
Generates a paragraph of text where an input would normally be positioned within a form while still allowing a regular form label to illustrate it.

Useful for presenting non-editable information within a form where you'd prefer not to use a disabled input.

Example usage

        'label': 'It’s the remix to ignition',
        'value': 'Hot and fresh out the kitchen'

See the Pen docs - form - content by Paul Stanton (@stanton) on CodePen.

Options applied to parent wrapper

Option Type Description
class string A space separated list of class names
guidance string Text to be displayed in a popover, adds a (?) icon after the input
guidance-container string Element to bind guidance popover scroll behaviour to (default body)
help string Additional guidance information to be displayed next to the input
label string Text for the <label> companion element

Options applied to paragraph

Option Type Description
id string A unique identifier, will also be used as the label's for attribute
value string Specifies the value of the input
data-* string Data attributes, eg: 'data-foo': 'bar'

Any other options not listed here will be applied to the paragraph.

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