Button interactions

Component Tests
js/buttonComponent.js tests/js/buttonComponentTest.js

Disable buttons

Disable buttons after pressing to prevent forms from being submitted multiple times.

This behaviour is enabled by default on form.submit() buttons, all other buttons can enable this behaviour by adding the .js-submit-disable class.

    'class': 'js-submit-disable',
    'label': 'Foo'

Enable buttons

Enable buttons that have been disabled with the js-submit-disable interaction by using the .js-submit-enable interaction. This can be used in any actions which would cancel a form submission or ajax action.

    'class': 'js-submit-enable',
    'label': 'Enable Foo'

Alternatively, re-enable all buttons that have been disabled by the .js-submit-disable interaction by calling the buttonComponent.submitEnable() method in your javascript.

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    No results matching ""