
  • A working XFP checkout and VM
  • A working CMS checkout and VM
  • A working Pulsar checkout and VM

Where to make changes

In general, there may be three possible places to make your changes:

UI requiring changes Where to change
Pulsar 4 UI Pulsar repository
Repainted UI CMS repository
Legacy XFP styling XFP repository (but only for removing redundant code, new code should be in CMS repo)

Syncing folders with Vagrant

To sync changes from your CMS VM to your XFP VM, add the following to your XFP Vagrantfile.

Your path (the left hand side) may vary on your local machine.

config.vm.synced_folder "../../CMP/1-12/public_html/jadu/bundles/pulsar/css", "/var/www/jadu/public_html/jadu/bundles/pulsar/css",
    create: true,
    owner: "jadu", group: "jadu-www",
    mount_options: ["dmode=754,fmode=640"]

Once done, run vagrant reload to sync the directory.

Making CSS changes in CMS

CMS-specific Sass files are located at:


Any changes here should be reflected in your synced vagrant folders, assuming you're running grunt watch or have run grunt:sass.

Making CSS changes in Pulsar

TODO: check whether syncing Pulsar's CSS with CMS's CSS will result in it being syncned with XFP's CSS.

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