
This is a constructor macro which generates an input field wrapped with standard markup with the ability to prepend/append extra elements. It is called by other macros like form.text and form.password.

Usually, you’ll have a single options hash to this You need to specify which of the options you want to apply to the parent wrapper (usually a <div>) and which you want to be attached to the actual form input element. Use the only and exclude array functions to manipulate your options array.

Example usage

        'parent': options|only('class label help')
        'inputs': [
                |exclude('class label help')

In this example, if 'class': 'FOO', 'label': 'BAR' and 'help': 'BAZ' will be placed in the markup like so:

<div class="form__group FOO">
    <label for="inputText" class="control__label">BAR</label>
    <div class="controls">
        <input id="inputText" name="inputText" placeholder="Placeholder" type="text" class="form__control">
        <p class="help-block">BAZ</p>


Option Type Description
parent hash options to be applied to the parent wrapper
inputs array an array of inputs

Options applied to the parent wrapper

Option Type Description
parent.append string Content to display after the input, usually short text or icons
parent.class string A space separated list of class names
parent.guidance string Text to be displayed in a popover, adds a (?) icon after the input
parent.guidance-container string Element to bind guidance popover scroll behaviour to (default body) string Additional guidance information to be displayed next to the input string A unique identifier, if required
parent.inputs array One or more form inputs to display
parent.label string Text for the <label> companion element
parent.prepend string Content to display before the input, usually short text or icons
parent.removable bool Whether to display a remove button after the input (default false)
parent.required bool Visually indicates that the field must be completed* string Data attributes, eg: 'data-foo': 'bar'

results matching ""

    No results matching ""