
Datatables use the plugin to provide a nice amount of functionality to your data. Pulsar's configuration includes plugins to make them responsive.



The following libraries should be included in your product's package.json file:

/* package.json */

"devDependencies": {
    "": "^1.10.11",
    "": "^1.1.2",
    "": "^1.1.2",
    "": "^1.10.10",
    "": "^2.0.2",
    "": "^2.0.0",
    "": "^1.1.2",
    "": "^1.1.2"

You will need both the base tables styles, and the datatables extras.

/* pulsar.scss */

@import '/path/to/bundles/pulsar/stylesheets/_component.tables';
@import '/path/to/bundles/pulsar/stylesheets/_component.datatables';


The DataTable plugin is called on any table containing the datatable class. Pulsar has a core configuration within pulsarUIComponent, but there may be times when you need to create your own custom config.


{# index.html.twig #}

{% block tab_content %}
    <table class="table datatable table--full">
                <th class="table-responsive"></th>
                <th class="table-selection"></th>
                <th><a href="#">Column heading 1</a></th>
                <th><a href="#">Column heading 2</a></th>
                <td class="table-responsive">
                    {{{ 'class': 'table-child-toggle', 'href': '#', 'label': html.icon('plus-sign') }) }}
                <td class="table-selection">
                    {{ html.icon('unchecked', { 'class': 'table-row-select js-select' }) }}
                <td>Column data 1</td>
                <td>Column data 2</td>
{% endblock tab_content %}

See the Pen docs - layout - datatable by Pulsar (@pulsar) on CodePen.

(Because of the width of this GitBook content, this table looks slighly different when used in a real UI.

Disable row selection

Datatables allow selection of rows by default, this behaviour can be disabled through the data-selection attribute. This will hide the related elements in the UI.

<table class="table datatable" data-selection="false">

No results

If a table has nothing to display we provide a helpful message to the user so they understand why nothing is shown. If they have the relevant permissions to add something to this table, you should provide a call to action.

The message will be shown automatically if the table body contains no rows, if can (and should) be customised by the data-empty-table attribute.

<table class="table datatable" data-empty-table="There are currently no people to display">
            <th><a href="#">Name</a></th>
            <th><a href="#">Company</a></th>
            <th><a href="#">Phone</a></th>

See the Pen docs - layout - datatable by Pulsar (@pulsar) on CodePen.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""