
Add a live countdown to a specific date/time. This is a basic implementation for the time being, speak to Pulsar team if you need extra functionality as per

Example usage

        'final-date': '2020/01/01 12:34:00',
        'format': '%ww %dd %Hh %Mm %S',
        'label': 'Expires 01/01/2010 at 12:34pm'

This will render a simple string which will start counting down. You can style this as you wish. You can provide your own format string to provide the most appropriate countdown (ie: there's no point having a countdown using weeks if the final date is only based a few hours away).


Option Type Description
class string CSS classes, space separated
final-date string A native date() object, epoch timestamp (milliseconds) or date string
format string A strftime string to format the countdown output (default: %ww %dd %Hh %Mm %S)
id string A unique identifier, if required
label string A fallback string to display if no js available
data-* string Data attributes, eg: 'data-foo': 'bar'

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