
Provides a simple way to mark up key/value information provided by a Twig hash or JSON object.

Example usage

        'items': {
            'File': 'true_lies.avi',
            'Size': '1.2 Gb',
            'Type': 'Video'

See the Pen JYGvOg by Paul Stanton (@stanton) on CodePen.


Option Type Description
class string CSS classes, space separated
id string A unique identifier, if required
items hash A hash of data where key: value = title: description
data-* string Data attributes, eg: 'data-foo': 'bar'

Bordered variation

{# an example of passing data via a Twig hash #}
    set data = {
        "File" : "true_lies.avi",
        "Size" : "1.2Gb",
        "Type" : "Video"

        'items': data,
        'class': 'metadata--bordered'

See the Pen Metadata bordered by Paul Stanton (@stanton) on CodePen.

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