Radio Simple

Creates a radio input with a sibling label element, this allows other macros like form.button_group to use the input’s :checked state to modify the label through the use of the sibling + CSS selector.

This helper does not include the extra markup or classes used for a normal Pulsar form layout.

Example usage

        'label': 'Foo',
        'id' 'foo',
        'name': 'foo_group'

Example output

<input type="radio" name="bar" id="baz" /><label for="baz">Foo</label>

Options applied to input

Option Type Description
data hash Data attributes by key/value
form string Specific one or more forms this label belongs to
help string Additional guidance information to be displayed next to the input
id string A unique identifier, will also be used as the label's for attribute
name string The name of this control
required bool Adds required and aria-required="true" attributes
selected bool Whether this radio button should be selected
value string Specifies the value of the input

Options applied to label

Option Type Description
class string A space separated list of class names
label string Text for the <label> companion element
required bool Visually indicates that the field must be completed

Any other options not listed here will be applied to the input

results matching ""

    No results matching ""