
Pass an array of items and have them rendered as a simple unordered or ordered list, this is particularly useful when chained with other helpers.

Lists are purposely left unstyled, but you can use block lists if you need nicer styling.

Example usage

        'items': [

See the Pen docs - html - list by Pulsar (@pulsar) on CodePen.


Option Type Description
active_item int The index of the active item, will have the .is-active class applied
class string CSS classes, space separated
id string A unique identifier, if required
items array An array of items to be rendered as a list
type string ul (default), ol
data-* string Data attributes, eg: 'data-foo': 'bar'

Block list

Add prettier styling around your lists with the .block-list variations. See the block list page for more information.

See the Pen docs - html - block list regular by Pulsar (@pulsar) on CodePen.

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